Over 250 organisations have joined together to inspire the next generation of engineers

Release Date: 24 Jan 2023

The Tomorrow’s Engineers Code has reached an important milestone – there are now over 250 members who have pledged to increase the diversity and number of young people entering engineering and technology careers.

Managed and delivered by EngineeringUK for the engineering community, The Tomorrow’s Engineers Code brings together organisations working towards common goals. Signatories of The Code make 4 pledges – to inspire connection, drive inclusion, showcase engineering and improve the impact of their engineering outreach.

The 250th organisation to join The Code is the Society of Operations Engineers (SOE), a Professional Engineering Institution (PEI) and registered charity with around 16,000 members working to inspect, maintain and manage the equipment and machinery which keeps people and businesses safe. SOE actively champions the next generation of engineers, which aligns with The Code’s mission.

SOE joins other engineering firms and professional institutions, as well as government departments, charities and STEM delivery providers, in becoming members of The Code community. Other Signatories include the Institution of Engineering and Technology, NatWest, STEM Learning, Siemens, and the Department for Education.

Melanie Washington, Director of Engagement Projects at EngineeringUK, said: “We’re proud that, in just over 2 years, The Tomorrow’s Engineers Code community has grown to over 250 members. Given the acute skills shortage and the UK’s net zero ambitions, it’s crucial that we continue to attract more young people, from all backgrounds, to go into engineering and tech careers.

“With The Code and its 4 pledges, we’re able to make important strides towards this by improving the quality, inclusivity, targeting and reach of activities designed to inspire young people. I’m delighted that we’ve welcomed so many new members and, I‘m confident that, together, we can inspire more and more diverse young people so they choose a career in engineering and technology.”

Education provider Marvelous Manufacturing is another recent Signatory, joining a community sharing expertise and working together. By signing The Code, Marvelous Manufacturing commits to the 4 pledges. Angela Lawlor, Managing Director at Marvelous Manufacturing, said: “[We] are a huge advocate for collaboration and believe that by working with other businesses we can make a much bigger impact.”

Hugh Baird College, a further education institution located in Merseyside, also recently joined The Code, signing up to its 4 pledges. Dr Charuni Dissanayaka, Lecturer Building Services - STEM Technical Level Lead at Hugh Baird College, said the college “joined The Code to better understand the ways to drive up the quality of engagement activities we undertake with our leaners.”

The Institution of Royal Engineers recently joined as a Supporter of The Code, committing to play an active part in the community. Robert Drew, Digital Services Manager at the Institution, said: “As a Professional Engineering Institution we strive to support and develop our current and next generation of military engineers, The Code supports that mission.”

Any organisation with UK operations that funds, designs and/or delivers engineering outreach activities, or intends to, is invited to become a Signatory, which is free to do. Any organisation not meeting these criteria, but supporting the aims of The Code, can join as a Supporter.

To find out more and to join The Code, visit: www.code.tomorrowsengineers.org.uk




Notes to Editors

For more info contact:

Macy Richardson (MRichardson@engineeringuk.com / 07597 858947)

The Tomorrow’s Engineers Code is a commitment to work towards common goals to increase the diversity and number of young people entering engineering careers. The Code was created by and is for the engineering community and has been brought to life through funding and in-kind support from a range of organisations including the founding Signatories Anglo American, the Department for Education and Shell. www.code.tomorrowsengineers.org.uk

About EngineeringUK 

EngineeringUK is a not-for-profit organisation that works in partnership with the engineering community to inspire tomorrow’s engineers. We lead the engagement programmes: The Big BangRobotics Challenge and Energy Quest and help schools bring STEM to life through real-world engineering via Neon. We bring engineering careers inspiration and resources together through Tomorrow’s Engineers and manage The Code, which drives change at scale to increase the number and diversity of young people choosing academic and vocational pathways into engineering. We base everything we do on evidence and share our insight widely. www.engineeringuk.com