Virtual museum to showcase engineering innovation

Mar 3, 2021

Innovation in wheelchair design

As a strategic partner in This is Engineering, we are proud to support the development of a new virtual Museum of Engineering Innovation as part of the campaign. The ambition of the museum is to bring to life the engineering stories that are all around us, for a public audience, in order to broaden perceptions of what engineering is and the impact it has on our lives.

The museum will use QR codes (or ‘QRtefacts’) dotted around the country in unusual and everyday environments that, when scanned, take users to online exhibits that tell the stories of the engineers and innovation behind that place or thing.

The Royal Academy of Engineering, who are leading the development of the museum, are looking for nominations for innovations that engineers/the STEM community would like to see brought to life through the museum - innovations that make a difference to our lives and/or are helping to shape our futures.   

If you have a potential exhibit you can nominate it for inclusion in the museum by sending in a short description and any available multimedia content that describes the innovation and the difference it makes. Email or download the toolkit for more information about the museum and the nomination process.

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