Tomorrow's Engineers

Tomorrow’s Engineers draws on resources, expertise and inspiration from across the engineering community to improve the impact of engineering outreach activities in the UK. It includes:

The Tomorrow’s Engineers website

The Tomorrow's Engineers website - an online hub that brings together resources to support practitioners in getting the most out of their engagement activity. Resources, which range from reports and guides to presentations and webinars, focus on improving practice in 4 main areas:

Careers inspiration - promoting the wide range of careers in modern engineering
Delivering inspiration activities - designing and delivering activities with young people in mind
Equality, diversity and inclusion - reaching all young people with engineering inspiration
Research and evaluation - understanding and sharing what works

Find out more about the resources, information and guidance on Tomorrow’s Engineers 

The Tomorrow’s Engineers Code

Launched in October 2022, the Tomorrow's Engineers Code is a commitment to work toward common goals to increase the diversity and numbers of young people entering engineering careers.

We need to work harder than ever to ensure that engineering careers are accessible for this generation of young people – for their own life chances and so that we have a diverse and insightful workforce that enables the UK to thrive.  Join over 200 organisations who have pledged to work together through the Tomorrow’s Engineers Code and find more joined-up ways to help all young people understand and be inspired towards engineering careers.

Signatories of The Code make 4 pledges about their approach to funding, designing, delivering and learning from engineering-inspiration activities. If you are an organisation that funds or delivers engineering inspiration activities, join the Tomorrow’s Engineers Code.

Find out more about The Tomorrow’s Engineers Code

Tomorrow’s Engineers Week

Tomorrow’s Engineers Week – an annual campaign to showcase modern engineering careers to young people and their influencers. Tomorrow's Engineers Week takes place every November, bringing together the engineering community to shine a spotlight on engineers, technicians and careers in the industry.

Find out more about Tomorrow’s Engineers Week 

Tomorrow’s Engineers Careers Resources

Tomorrow’s Engineers Careers Resources – a range of inspiring classroom resources designed by the careers working group, a project team from across the engineering community, with the input of teachers and young people. These resources are available to order or download via Neon.

Browse careers resources on Neon